Offense List
Monday, June 14 (Only)
All charges are
misdemeanors unless
specified as a felony.
This list of inmates reflects solely those being held
by the
Lincoln Country
Sheriff’s Office
on the date listed above.
This list does not reflect those who may have been arrested and/or released over the past nine days.
Ague, Timothy W.
Charged with felony
assault on a peace officer, felony sexual assault. LCJC.
Assance, Tristan K. Charged with felony
assault with a weapon,
destruction of a
communication device. LCDC.
Benedict, Brian R.
Charged with felony
assault with a weapon, partner family member assault. LCJC.
Bowen, Robert L
Charged with partner
family member assault, violation of protective
order. LCJC.
Crammer, Christian E.
Charged with felony
burglary – residence,
felony parole violation, criminal mischief—vandalism, trespass to property, theft, illegal
handle of stolen property, disorderly conduct.
Erb, Nathan A
Charged with felony
offense—all others,
possession of drug
paraphernalia, negligent endangerment, possession of dangerous drugs, two counts traffic offense.
Erickson, Brenton K.
Charged with resisting arrest, obstructing a peace officer. LCC/LCDC.
Haflich, Laurence A.
Charge not classified. LCDC.
Hammrich, Bryce A.
Charged with partner
family member assault, disorderly conduct.
Hudak, Nakuma F.
Charged with felony
attempt, felony burglary- residence, felony possession of burglary tools,
felony possession of
dangerous drugs, traffic offense, possession of drug paraphernalia. LCDC.
James, Jonathan
Charge not classified. LCJC.
Kendall, Jeremiah R.
Charged with felony
attempt, felony burglary -residence, felony tampering with evidence, felony escape, illegal handle of stolen property.
Kirkedahl, Scott L.
Charged with felony
homicide, deliberate.
Kirkwood, Kevin R.
Charged with felony
possession of drugs,
felony parole violation,
possession of drug
paraphernalia. LCDC.
Kusener, Kimberly D.
Charged with felony
possession of dangerous drugs, felony offense—all others, possession of drug paraphernalia.
Mattis, Cody
Charged with felony
sexual intercourse
without consent. LCDC.
McMillen, Larry G., Jr.
Charged with felony, not classified. LCDC.
Mendez, Angella D.
Charged with two felony
offenses, felony—not
classified. OOS/LCDC.
Price, Bertram N.
Charged with resisting
arrest, two traffic offenses, felony child endangerment, DUI. LCJC.
Raymond, Mitchell B.
Charged with felony
criminal endangerment, two felony offenses—all others. LCJC/OOC.
Read, Edward W.
Charged with felony DUI—alcohol or drugs. LCJC.
Saucedo, Christine A.
Charged with felony
possession of dangerous drugs, possession of drug paraphernalia. LCJC.
Siefke, Andrew P
Charged with three counts traffic offense, three counts all others. LCC/LCJC.
Smith, Cheyenne L.
Charged with felony child endangerment—DUI,
traffic offense, additional offense—all others.
Steele, Karyl R
Charged with felony,
probation violation,
resisting arrest.
Stevens, Jeremiah J.
Charged with felony revocation of susp/deferred, additional felony offense. LCDC.
Wilhite, Peggy L.
Charged with felony
possession of dangerous drugs, possession of drug paraphernalia.
Yakovenko, Bohdan Y.
Charged with traffic
offense. LCJC.