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Pacific Northwest Trail; a local perspective

As someone who is invested in the success of Libby businesses and promoting this area as one of the finest outdoor recreation areas in the world, the idea of rerouting the Pacific Northwest Trail through Libby is extremely appealing. There is so much for hikers and backpackers to explore if they could have a waypoint in Libby and having a full-service area for them to refresh and re-equip themselves would allow this area to be a highlight of their hike. The second advantage of this plan that springs to mind, is rerouting the trail out of the Yaak moves tourists out of Grizzly bear habitat. It is enough of a wild adventure out here without exposing visitors to an increased likelihood of a hazardous bear encounter. As business people in Libby, we should be looking for every avenue possible to enhance the visitor experience, and rerouting the PNT as suggested will play an outstanding role in that.


Submitted by Troy Douthit, Libby, Mont.