Bears ‘n Stuff Supports Troy Senior Citizen Center
Submitted by Cyrus Lee
Left to right are Troy Senior Citizen Center staff Diane Cotcher, Dulcie Wallace, Kat Taylor, Denise Whedon, Ernie Anderson, Darla Winn, George Gvaczik. Bonnie Larson accepts the donation from Bears ‘n Stuff founding member Marge Kroeger.
Troy Senior Citizens crew got their paws on a $400 donation made possible by those little prison made bears.
Sharing a tour of the kitchen, which was preparing the day’s meal of Patty Melts, Darla Winn explained that they prepare meals for around 50 seniors every day, Monday through Friday. “67 has been our highest number served.” she said, continuing “Holiday meal preparation is usually more than that average.” The center serves cafeteria style, provides curbside pick-up, and delivers to about 10 local seniors. Curbside pick-up begins at 11:00 am and ends at 11:30. The center doors open to cafeteria style service at 11:30, serving until 12:30.
Seniors over 60 and over pay only $5 for their meal. Younger folks pay only $7. The center asks that guests call 295-4140 and give a day’s notice to get on the next day’s meal list.
If you have questions about Bears ‘n Stuff and what we do, give a call to Cyrus at 293-9630 or message us on Facebook.
Cabinet Peaks
Rehab Hires a
A child’s role in life is to play and interact with other children. That may not always be as easy as it sounds, and children may need help and guidance in learning how to do so. Pediatric occupational therapy helps children gain independence while developing fine motor skills, sensory motor skills, and visual motor skills that children need to function and socialize.
Cabinet Peaks Rehabilitative Services has recently hired Ben Fenison, MOTR/L, as a Pediatric Occupational Therapist. Ben received his Bachelor of Psychology from Western Oregon University. He continued his education at Pacific University School of Occupational Therapy where he received his Master of Occupational Therapy.
Ben has experience working in pediatric outpatient clinics, early intervention in home and clinic, skilled nursing facilities, Neuro/Orthopedic adult outpatient rehab, and adult inpatient rehab.
His passion has evolved to help children and has experience diagnosing and an interest in:
Autism and pervasive disorders
Global development delays
Intellectual disabilities
Sensory and feeding disorders
Aggressive or self-abusive behaviors
His experience in treatment includes but not limited to:
Sensory integration/processing dysfunction
Executive functioning
Self-help (dressing, bathing, toilet hygiene, feeding, bedtime routines, grooming)
Praxis Motor Planning
Strength and activity tolerance
Visual Perceptual
Emotional regulation (coping strategies, calm sensory techniques, environmental/social group modifications)
Impulse control development
Fine motor and gross motor development
Obtaining developmental milestones
Early intervention-birth to 3-year-old
Play skill development
“I have had the pleasure of working in a variety of settings and patient populations,” stated Ben. “My primary area of expertise is the pediatric population where I’ve worked the majority of the time in an outpatient setting during the last decade. I have also had the opportunity to work in a variety of settings and serve the geriatric population. I really value working with kids and their families and helping them to move forward to maximize their quality of life and function.”
Tyler Hanley, CPMC Rehab Manager “We’re very lucky and excited to have Ben join Cabinet Peaks Rehab. As a highly specialized pediatric Occupational Therapist, Ben will be a great asset to our local community. Welcome to the team, Ben!”
For more information, you can call 406-283-7280.
Submitted by Paula Collins
We’re Retiring!
A Letter from Genes Body Shop
After 65 years as a family-owned business, Genes Body Shop ha changed ownership.
We would like to thank all our past customers throughout the years for trusting us to repair their vehicles. We’ve always considered Libby and the surrounding area to be one of the best places anywhere to live and our many great customers gave us the opportunity to live, work and play in this amazing place we’ve always called home.
We’d also like to thank all our employees past and present for their hard work, dedication, and craftsmanship. Without them, we’d never have been able to keep the doors open.
As we step away from working and into retirement, we’d like to welcome the new owners of the property, Ben, and Natalie Erickson and their two sweet girls to the Libby Community and wish them much success!
Dick and Linda Buti, Paul and Vicki Buti
Flathead Electric Co-op
Accepting Applications for 2023 D.C. Youth Tour
Submitted by Courtney Stone
Montana – Each year, Flathead Electric Cooperative partners with the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) to send two to three area youth to Washington, D.C. for “Youth Tour.” Applications are open now through November 15.
Electric cooperatives across the country send about 1,500 high-school students to Youth Tour to learn about the history of this country and the role electric cooperatives played in that history. Students tour many national treasures in D.C. and have the chance to meet with their congressional delegation.
Using unclaimed capital credits, Flathead Electric Co-op funds two to three “all-expense paid” trips for high school sophomores or juniors from schools in the Co-op’s service territory. The student’s parent or guardian must be served by the Co-op.
Here is what you need to know for this year’s Youth Tour:
Applicants must be regularly enrolled or homeschooled high school sophomores or juniors from schools within the Co-op’s service territory.
Bigfork High School
Columbia Falls High School
Flathead High School
Glacier High School
Libby High School
Stillwater Christian School
Whitefish High School
The applicant’s parent or guardian must be served by Flathead Electric Cooperative.
Applications to join the 2022 Youth Tour are open from October 1st until November 15th.
Youth Tour Orientation will take place June 16, 2023 in Great Falls.
Winners will leave for Washington D.C. June 17, 2023 and return to Great Falls June 23, 2023.
To learn more, please visit