Home Construction
Call Construction,
Senior discounts. New, remodel, roofs, decks,
concrete, paint, drywall, tile, all phases. 293-1033
Professional Upholstery Services
Custom fitted outdoor,
RV, boat, and antique
furniture slip covers.
Call 293-5196
Recently retired. Looking for any electrical jobs you
need done. Call Mitch:
Public Notice:
Libby and Troy fall within a current EPA superfund site involving asbestos contamination. For more information about results of a property or general information about asbestoses call the Asbestos Resource Program, 406-291-5335.
We have rentals. Check out our website for up-to-date listings. Libbyrentals.com
*$60.00 application fee per adult, can be paid by cash, check, or money order. If you cannot make it to the office in person, our mailing address is 317 California Ave. Libby, MT 59923. Applications will not be processed without application fee payment. Call 406-293-7559.
Lot For Rent:
One lot for RV, Mobile Home, no size or age restrictions. $250.00 plus utilities. Water sewer and electric hookups on sight. Animals accepted upon approval.
For rent:
Rent 3 Bedroom, Ranch Home, Utmost Privacy no neighbors yet only 1 mile to hospital. Well and septic means save $85/month on water/ sewer. Energy package means low heat bills. $1150 plus deposit. 406-293-7424
For Rent: 4 bedroom, Log
Home on 1 acres borders park, wildlife, close to town. Wood & Electric Heat. Wood stacked on property. 1 mile to Rosauers on a cul de sac. $1250 plus deposit. Call 406-293-7424
For Rent:
How strongly do you desire to own a home especially on this period of indefinite inflation? Rent from us for possible home purchase with owner financing. 293-7424
For Rent:
Bull Lake Rod & Gun Club Pavilion. Water, electricity, private dock, bathroom facilities, perfect for weddings, family gatherings and weekend get-a-ways.
Call Mark at 295-4994
Houses For Sale:
Private Inventory of company-owned homes for sale in Libby, Montana. 406-293-3714. www.tungstenholdings.com
Houses & Property For Sale:
Off-Grid homes and properties available for sale. 406-293-3714. www.tungstenholdings.com
Gun Sale: Ruger 9mm, Mossberg 30-06, Ruger 10-22, Diamondback AR10 6.5 Creedmoor, DPMS AR15N 223-5.56
Call 406-334-0862 for details.
Reminder: Go to Church! You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to become the best version of you. You also owe it to God, though you may not realize that yet. Look for my monthly article. Dean Erickson
Charter Fishing, Libby MT, Kootenai River. 42inch luxury Yacht. Johnny’s Rivergeen. $500 in Advance. 406-885-7161
Notice: Republican Women’s Club For Lincoln County meets Monday March 6th in Libby at Venture Inn 11:30. Speaker is Commissioner Jim Hammons. Info at 406-889-3673 or RWCFLC406@proton.me
Puppies For Sale: AKC Golden Retriever puppies Born 1/29/23 both parents DNA tested Sire OFA certified for joints and eyes. Will have shots and be wormed at 6 weeks Located in Libby Mt. $800 406-293-4676