The Old Town Players presented “Dunn Creek Nell”

By Moira Blazi


The Old town Players presented another delightful theatrical experience last weekend with “Dunn Creek Nell”, a  fictional account of Nell’s arrival in Libby.

Starring Stormy miller as a sublimely scrappy Nell, Alex Guerra as an upstanding, uptight local lady, Ray   as Nells current husband, Turner, and Zarita as the manager of Crystals saloon, this one-act vignette is packed with historical facts about one of our most colorful local characters, Sarah Theodora Yearly, better known to everyone as Dunn Creek Nell, came to Libby Creek to help her parents homestead up the Kootenai river on Dunn Creek. She had  7 actual husbands, and countless other men, according to legend . She died at Warm springs of a brain aneurism, and was brought back to libby where she still lies, buried at the Libby Cemetery in an unmarked grave.

The old town players brought to life an imagined encounter with town citizens at her arrival, the Players used physical humor as well as colorful language to bring her alive.  Look for the next offering from this company coming this fall.