More Pictures From The Outhouse Races



Great Things Happening At The Yaak School

Courtesy of Yaak Elementary School-K-8


So many wonderful things happening at the Yaak School! We are heading to the county spelling bee today and are excited to see J.J. participate. Look how nice they all look for it! Ely and his team won the Yaak River Tavern Lil Stinker Out House Races this past weekend and J.J. and Roman had a wonderful time going to Project Ascents Winter Carnival! Congratulations Ely and team!!! You did an amazing job!

Photo Courtesy of Yaak Elementary School-K-8


Libby Friends Of The

Library Book Sale,

March 3

The Libby Friends of the Library will have its next Book Sale on Friday, March 3, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Book Sale Room downstairs at the Library.

This month we will be featuring collections from several popular authors. We have also received a large donation of Children’s and Juvenile books, so make sure to bring  your kids!

Purchase of items is by donation, with all money received going to support programs for the Library.

A reminder: we welcome the donations of any used books, audio-CD’s and DVD’s in good condition.

You can drop off donations at the library during regular hours, and we will process them for our next FOL book sale.


Submitted By Susan Horelick