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301 Grant Ave., Troy, MT. 3 bedroom/2.5 bath house, 3 garages, yard. Rent $1,200, Deposit $1,200. 293-7559__________

543 Hammer Cutoff Rd., 3 bedroom/1 bath 1st/bottom floor apt., furnished, all utilities included. Rent and deposit $1,200. 293-7559

513 E. 8th St. –2bed, 1 bath apartment, water and garbage included with rent, electric heat. Washer & dryer on site. $700 rent, $1,000 deposit. 293-7559

520 E 3rd St. - 3bed, 1.5bath townhouse is coming up for rent on February 5, 2018. Garbage, water, and sewer included with rent. Washer and dryer hookups. Small back yard. $875 rent, $1000 deposit. 293-7559________________________

504 Montana Ave. - 3bed, 1bath house with basement, washer and dryer hookups. $700 rent, $850 deposit. Will be a
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