Just a Bee Buzzin’. Photo by McKenzie Williams, The Montanian.
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The Farmers Market at Libby Joins Farmers
Markets Across The Country in Celebrating
National Farmers Market Week
Submitted By Jule Mason
The Farmers Market at Libby joins markets across the country in celebrating National Farmers Market Week from August 7-13.
Amid a global pandemic, farmers markets — like all other small businesses — have innovated to continue operations for the farmers and communities that depend on them. Farmers markets foster direct relationships between community members and farmers which can work to create a more fair and sustainable food system. Farmers markets are a hub for connection and collective action around shared values.
National Farmers Market Week is an annual celebration of farmers markets coordinated by the Farmers Market Coalition, a membership-based nonprofit organization that supports farmers markets nationwide through training, technical assistance, and network-building. This year, the campaign is centered around the essential role that farmers market operators play in our local food systems and in developing resilience in communities as hubs for local economies and connection.
The Farmers Market at Libby began in 2019, and currently hosts 67 vendors selling a wide variety of products, including fresh fruits and vegetables, herbs, eggs, meats, local arts and much more.
“Farmers markets are abundant sources of food, connection and resilience in our communities across the country, but they don’t just happen on their own.” said Ben Feldman, Farmers Market Coalition Executive Director. “Behind the scenes of every successful farmers market is a dedicated person or team working to make the market thrive. These farmers market operators are experts who need community and financial support to run their markets and resources specifically designed for their needs. Throughout National Farmers Market Week 2022, we will be highlighting the vital work of farmers market operators across the nation. Join us!”
New Troy Youth Foundation Looks
Forward to Troy Community
Submitted by Troy Youth Foundation
We are excited to officially announce the wonderful change to our organization! For years, you’ve known us as the Troy PTA/Boosters, but as of June 1st, 2022, we are officially the Troy Youth Foundation. We decided to take the leap and create this foundation to broaden our ability to financially assist without the limitations of PTA bylaws. The sky’s the limit now with the funding we are able to provide for our community!
The TYF is a 501c(3) organization that raises and distributes funds which directly benefit the youth of Troy. Our mission is to support and enhance educational, social, and recreational programs that support the health and knowledge of the youth of Troy. We provide support for scholarships for THS graduates, individual requests for youth camps/trips, athletic gear for youth sports, financial assistance with community projects, and much more.
Your donations and support of the Troy Youth Foundation will ensure that we are able to continue providing opportunities to create well-rounded youth in our community. For More information contact Jamie Shupe, Co Founder and Secretary/Treasurer at troyyouthfoundation@gmail.com
Montana’s Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Plan Finalized
Submitted by Moira Davin
The Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) have finalized Montana’s Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment Plan (Plan) and are pleased to announce the plan has been submitted to the Federal Highway Administration for approval.
The draft plan was released for comment in June and the state agencies held a webinar in July to hear from the public. The final plan describes Montana’s strategy, vision and goals for spending Montana’s $43 million allocation of federal funds over the next five years under the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Formula (NEVI) Program. The NEVI Program was established through the federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to fund direct-current electric vehicle charging infrastructure along interstate and U.S. highway corridors over the next five years. Montana was required to develop a plan and submit it to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) by Aug. 1, 2022.
The final plan includes an initial focus on filling large charging gaps along Interstate 15, Interstate 90 and Interstate 94 with electric vehicle charging infrastructure spaced no more than 100 miles apart and then focus on charging locations no more than 100 miles apart along U.S. Highway 2 and U.S. Highway 93.
In anticipation that the plan will be approved by FHWA by the end of September, MDT and DEQ will finalize the details of Montana’s administration of the funds in the months to come, with an expected funding opportunity opening this winter.
To view the final plan, visit DEQ’s website at: https://deq.mt.gov/energy/Programs/fuels
Troy School Gives Big Thanks To Maintenance Team
Courtesy of
Troy School District
A big thank you to the Troy School District Maintenance Department! They do so much to keep our schools looking great and feeling welcome.
Thank you to Jennifer Bonifas for your thirteen great years of service at Troy Schools. You have made an impact on many lives through your work and example.
Troy School maintenance team—Photo courtesy of Troy school district