Libby Job Fair
Courtesy of LOR Foundation (Libby Montana)
Not unlike most areas of the country, Libby suffers from reduced workforce participation. So, Job Service Libby reached out to the LOR Foundation to help fund a local Job Fair. The Job Fair is meant to engage job seekers and give employers a central location to promote their available positions. Come down to the Memorial Center on February 8th and meet over 25 employers, see what they have available, and apply. If you need help preparing your resume to bring with you- no problem, contact the Job Service at (406) 293-6282 or go down and see them at 417 Mineral Ave.
Libby Friends Of The Library Book Sale
Submitted by Susan Horlick
The Libby Friends of the Library will have its next Book Sale on Friday, February 3rd from
10 am to 5:00 pm in the Book Sale Room downstairs at the Library. Come and check out our special features for Valentine’s Day! Purchase of items is by donation, with all money received going to support programs for the Library. A reminder: we welcome the donations of any used books, audio-CD’s and DVD’s in good condition. You can drop off donations at the library during regular hours, and we will process them for our next FOL book sale.
The Prevent Program Classes Are Back Again, Taught by Cabinet Peak Medical Center’s Nicole Kapan
Submitted by Paula Collins
Implementing healthy, sustainable changes to your daily nutrition and learning how to implement physical activity that is enjoyable can ultimately help you lose weight and feel better. Prevent is a lifestyle program that teaches and encourages you to make the modifications that can change the way you feel. This program is taught by CPMC’s Nicole Kapan, Registered Dietician, and targets people who are at risk for pre-diabetes and/or developing Cardiovascular Disease.
Nicole is happy to be starting classes again this year. “The PREVENT program began in Lincoln County over 12 years ago and has helped countless local people learn how to live longer, healthier lives. I am pleased we can continue to share this course with the public,” she stated.
The PREVENT course begins with a personal assessment by a Lifestyle Coach to determine the best guidance that will get life-long success. The 16 weeks to follow are known as the Core Sessions where participants attend weekly classes led by a Lifestyle coach; you will be in classes with others who have similar struggles and health concerns. The remainder of the program is tailored to help participants maintain the healthy lifestyles they were taught in the core sessions.
The next PREVENT program begins on March 6, 2023 and will be held every Monday from 5 – 6pm. If you are interested, please see your physician or call the Cabinet Peaks Diabetes and Nutrition Education Department at 283-7316.
The local PREVENT program is sponsored by Cabinet Peaks Medical Center and the Montana Cardiovascular Disease and Prevention Program.