Rotary Club of the Kootenai Valley Youth Fishing Derby


The Rotary Club of the Kootenai Valley sponsored the Youth Fishing Derby held at the Libby Mill Pond on Saturday May 13th, 2023. No fishing license was required to participate. Fishing was open to children ages two to eleven, a free snack was provided after fishing was completed at 11:00 A.M. A Prize package was awarded from a drawing for each age group, those being in the following three age groups. Ages two to five, Ages six to eight, and ages nine to eleven. The limit was one fish per individual child could be kept during the derby. Per Lincoln County Port Authority, the Mill Pond by the Museum is a catch and release pond. This year’s Youth Fishing Derby brought the community and families together for a fun event outdoors.

Submitted by John R. Desch

Scholarship Recognition Troy High School Class of 2023

The Administration, Faculty, Staff, and Students of Troy High School (THS) gratefully acknowledge the support of all who provide scholarship dollars to the college-bound graduates of our school.  We wish to formally recognize those who donate their time, effort, energy, and money to help further the education of our graduates. Please accept our heart-felt thanks. We wish to congratulate the following seniors and acknowledge the scholarships they have earned. Scholarships designated with an asterisk (*) are renewable annually. The Troy High School Higher Education Foundation, Inc. is a permanent endowment to help provide financial support for Troy High School Graduates to attend institutions of higher learning and/or educational pursuits as approved by the Board of Directors. Permanent contributions are tax-deductible for the donor and are prudently invested per state law to provide the greatest income. Donations may be either: restricted to the criteria of the donor’s choice or unrestricted and will be used as directed by the Board of Directors. If you would like to learn more about the THS Higher Education Foundation or make a donation to help future generations of Troy High School graduates, please contact the Troy High School at (406) 295-4321.

Submitted by Mr. Palmer, Troy High School Guidance Counselor

Audrey Evans                                                       The University of Nebraska

  • Three Rivers Ranger District Forest Service Scholarship $1,500
  • Libby Rotary Club Scholarship $1,000
  • Holy Trinity Church “Diligence Award” $1000
  • William Swanson Memorial/Troy United Methodist Church Scholarship $8,000
  • We Are Nebraska Commitment Nonresident Scholarship $1,000*
  • Ruth Leverton Scholarship $13,000*
  • College of Agricultural Science and Natural Resources Scholarship $500*


Paxton Fisher                                          Highlands College of Montana Tech

  • The Stanley R Kargol Memorial Scholarship $2,500
  • Northern Lights Electrical Coop Scholarship . $3,000


Elaine Folkerts                                                 Western Governor’s University

  • The Williams Family Scholarship $250
  • The Ron Osborne Memorial Scholarship $500


Jetta Lapi                                                Flathead Valley Community College

  • FVCC Northwest Attendance Area Fee Waiver $3,870


Jayden Leighty                                                                Studio Beauty School

  • Jim Johnston Memorial/All School Reunion Scholarship $5,000*


Hannah Nichols                                     Flathead Valley Community College

  • William Swanson Memorial/Troy United Methodist Church Scholarship $3,500
  • Troy Masonic Lodge #126 Scholarship $1,000


Anna Pallister                                                                 Whitworth University

  • Three Rivers Ranger District Forest Service Scholarship $750
  • Holy Trinity Church “Diligence Award” $1,000
  • Troy Volunteer Ambulance Kathy Berke Memorial Scholarship $500
  • Cabinet Peaks Medical Center Scholarship $500
  • William Swanson Memorial/Troy United Methodist Church Scholarship $7,000
  • The John Konzen Memorial Scholarship $500
  • The Ceanna Diller Memorial Scholarship $1,500
  • Whitworth University Scholarship $27,900*
  • Whitworth University Visit Scholarship $1,000


Audrianna Pefferman                                     Western Governor’s University

  • Three Rivers Ranger District Forest Service Scholarship $750
  • Troy Youth Foundation Scholarship $2,000
  • James A Benedict Memorial Scholarship $500
  • Lincoln County Credit Union Financial Literacy Award $500
  • William Swanson Memorial/Troy United Methodist Church Scholarship $1,500
  • The Ceanna Diller Memorial Scholarship $1,500
  • The Ortho Rehab Scholarship $500


Zeeannah Reid                                        Crevier’s Academy of Cosmetology

  • The Stanley R Kargol Memorial Scholarship $2,500
  • Yaak Valley Forest Council $300


Winter Sedler                                                           United State Coast Guard

  • Friends of the Scotchman Peaks Wilderness Association Scholarship $250
  • Lincoln County Credit Union Financial Literacy Award $500