Thompson Chain of Lakes
Property Owners Form Non-Profit Group to Oppose a Land Grab

Property owners on and adjacent to the Thompson Chain of Lakes have recently formed a non-profit group, Thompson Chain of Lakes Stewardship Coalition.

The nonprofit’s mission is “To Preserve and Protect the Lands and Waters on the TCL.” While the group’s goals are long term to educate and promote wise stewardship of the Chain of Lakes, a recent controversy over a large commercial development sparked property owners, family, and friends into action.

Parks Family Real Estate Company, LLC, has proposed a large RV Park on 21 acres less than a mile from several spring-fed lakes on the Thompson Chain of Lakes.

The proposed development is for 69 RV Sites and 20 tent sites making it larger than Logan Park and McGregor RV Park combined. The developer has refused to consider reducing the size of the development as “it would not be cost effective”.

The most vulnerable spring-fed lakes, including Horseshoe, Lavon and Crystal, are closest to the RV development and have no outlet or inlet waterway and therefore, are prone to degradation from human activity.

The RV Park is allowed to use up to 207,000 gallons of water per month with subsequent wastewater output. The group says this quantity will put homeowner’s wells and lake levels at risk.

One resident explained. “It is apparent the Whitefish-based group is proposing the absolute maximum density allowed rather than caring about what the area can bear”.

The controversy has residents lining up in opposition.

The group’s spokesperson, Karen Wickersham, explained, “We are not opposed to responsible growth that is within the historic use, culture, and pose minimal impacts to the water and the land. We are opposed, however, to an irresponsible land grab that only seeks to build the biggest development possible for profit at the expense of the environment and other landowners rights”.

There is a public hearing on September 14 in the Lincoln County Courthouse at 512 California Avenue. The group encourages the public to write comments and to show up at 1:30 that day to “let the Parks Family Real Estate Development, hear from Montanans who have recreated on and near these lakes for generations and value the pristine nature of the Thompson Chain of Lakes”.

The group emphasizes. “We are not opposed to responsible development as we know growth will happen. We are opposed to this large high-density commercial use land grab that conflicts with every land use plan written about this very special part of Montana”.

For more information, the group’s website is:

Submitted by Karen Wickersha

Thompson Chain of Lakes. Photo courtesy


Kootenai Valley Quilt Guild 2022 Quilt Show, September 9

Submitted by

Paula Darko-Hensler


Kootenai Valley Quilt Guild has the privilege of announcing their 2022 Quilter of the Year.  Each year the KVQG selects a member based on their contributions to the organization.  That honor this year goes to Pam Haas.

Pam’s journey to this honor started in junior high school.  Her “fabulous” home economics teacher started them with the simple projects of shorts and aprons.  She then moved on to more difficult projects and while in high school she began sewing for others to earn a little extra money.  After marriage and having children, she began sewing their clothes, prom dresses and their wedding dresses.  Ever the volunteer she made play costumes and even a quilt for the play Honk Jr.  Seeking to expand her skills she enrolled in an Heirloom Sewing class and started making christening gowns for many that would be passed from generation to generation.

How did she become a quilter?  When her daughter was in high school, she took a quilt class and brought her lone star quilt home to work on it telling her mom, who tried to help that it was to be made ¼” seams.  Any sewer knows that 5/8” seams are standard and she thought her quilt teacher was “crazy”. A quilt book was brought home from school and Pam read it cover to cover.  Her love of quilting started, and that” crazy “teacher is now her friend. That teacher has shared many quilting skills with her.

Being a member of KVQG has given Pam the opportunity to learn and share with others.  Pam has worked with the Kid’s Camp that KVQG has each year for the past 11 years.  She enjoys working with kids including her own grandkids and they enjoy making projects with grandma.

In conclusion, that daughter who brought her quilt home for help has inspired a passion that Pam shares with others by turning beautiful fabric into stunning quilts.  Those quilts will be on display at the upcoming KVQG show to be held on September 9th and 10th, 2022 at the Memorial Center, where she is the featured quilter.  Many other beautiful creations will be on display and we invite all to come and see the handiwork of the many talented quilters in our area.

Pam Haas Quilter of the Year. Photo courtesy of

Paula Darko-Hensler.