Lincoln County Students participate on Seeds Training
Continued from Page 1
Off to slow start, the teens soon discovered that pointing was the way to help, and how important it was to pay attention, remember what just happened and most importantly, give and accept help from each other.
Although leaders emerged, and some held back, everyone had to walk the maze . Every misstep was a “beep”, and counted against the team, as well as every time someone spoke, or touched the maze or the walker.
As Boudreau reminded the kids “going fast is sometimes great, but in this game it doesn’t help.”
After about 15 minutes, each group, was working as a team, although many were from different schools and different towns.
Afterwards, Boudreau debriefed the participants. “What did you feel?” he asked the assembled group. “Anxiety, frustration” , the kids responded,
“Let’s talk about motivation,” Boudreau offered, “how many of you wanted to do a good job, but also wanted to rush it towards the end?” He asked, “ We always want to do well, but then, something happens. What we know about motivation, is that it works best with short-term goals, breaking down a big task into smaller chunks, so everything has an end.”
The kids listened enthusiastically, commenting on the frustration they felt at first, and complimenting each other on a job well done.
“We made a strategy with everyone having one row to remember.” Said Troy student, Autumn Fischer. “One girl just put up her hand, as if to say, ‘I can do it myself’, and that was frustrating,” she added.
Classmate Kylie Cole echoed “It was hard when people didn’t want to pay attention.”
“Support is a word we use a lot on this game,” Boudreau continued. “and when you talk about support, its really about being specific, here is a whole lot of support for all of you in this room, teachers, parents, other kids, but you have to know how to tap into it, verses just knowing it’s there.” He reminded the kids that, the game could only be done successfully if the team stuck together.
“Should we be walking away from people who make mistakes” he asked. “The only way to get to success is to make a ton of mistakes.”
After dinner, the group got into more personal sharing, how to ask questions, and how to, as Boudreau put it “ Instead of being interesting, be interested.”
Seeds training has been holding workshops all over the US and in many other countries for over 20 years, for more info contact Maggie Anderson at Lincoln county Unite for Youth.
By Moira Blazi, The Montanian.
‘What’s Up’ by Local Stargazers Astronomy Club
Moon Phases:
New Moon: March 2
First Quarter: March 10
Full Moon: March 18
Last Quarter: March 25
New Moon: March 31
Three planets will be up before dawn throughout the month and can be seen in the southeast part of the sky: Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.
Early spring is a good time to view the star, Sirius. It’s one of the brightest winter stars. Look for the constellation Orion in the south. Find the three stars that make up the belt of Orion and follow them from west to east. It will point down to the very bright star of Sirius. The star is only 8.6 light years away from us.
March 20 is the March Equinox or Spring Equinox marking the beginning of spring.
On March 28 there will be a grouping of Venus, the crescent Moon and the Pleiades to the west after sunset. The Pleiades is an open cluster that can be seen with the naked eye. The cluster becomes dazzling with stars when viewed with a binocular.
Late Winter – Early Spring Birding Outing March 19
Submitted by
Brian Baxter
Join us on the first weekend of spring, as we take to the field in search of late-winter, early spring birds! We will meet at 9 a.m. Mountain Time, on Sat., March 19, in the Viking Room of the Venture Inn at 1015 U.S. Highway 2 in Libby, Montana. Over coffee, we’ll briefly go over some valuable birding tips, and then head to the field where we will explore several areas. Our small group will take some road tours, and some short hikes on private lands where we will scan, scope, listen, and identify birds of prey, waterfowl, woodpeckers, shorebirds and songbirds.
Participants should come prepared for the day with full gas tanks, water, lunch, binoculars, Bird Identification books, spotting scopes, proper outdoor clothing and footwear, and a good sense of humor. This class is sponsored by Libby Base Camp Hostel, and folks can check them out at Airbnb or their Facebook page, for accommodations if needed. All Participants Must Register for this class! For more information, and to register for this Outdoor Educational Program, Email or call 406-291-2154. Wrap up approx. 3:00 p.m.. Spaces Limited. No Dogs Please! Start Spring Off On A Positive Note! Experienced Instructors.