LMHS Compete in Science Olympiad State Competition 

Above from Left to Right:  Back Row:  Alyssa James, Jabe Weilacher, Isaac Magill, Andrew Vattimo, Kyle Svendsbye, Ashley Cockerham, Addison Skranak, Ashlenn James, Coach Adam Kirchenmann Middle Row: MacKinzie Mills, Bella Swanson, Anani Monroe, Holden Cooper, Teague Thompson, Coach Shannon Ostrowski Front Row: Cleone Knopfle, Piper Thompson, Wyatt Thompson, Luna Simpson, Bethany Magill, Julianna Shumate, Keilen Weilacher.


Left Photo: Wyatt Thompson and Piper
Thompson, 3rd place winners in Ornithology.


Photos courtesy of Renae Rose, LMHS